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Tomato Preservation Doesn’t Have to be Overwhelming!

Homegrown and fresh, local tomatoes are some of the best parts of summer. They are also some of the best and most versatile preserves in a whole food pantry.

The season is short and fast and the preservation work needs to happen as quickly and easily as possible.

When I first started preserving large quantities of my own homegrown tomatoes, I would sit at the table with all my various canning books looking up recipes. Trying to find the best ones and the ones for which I had everything on hand so I didn’t have to run to the store.

A pizza on a round wood cutting board with fresh tomatoes and a jar of pizza sauce behind the board.

I got overwhelmed with all the options and would often stay up well into the night canning because I’d wasted so much time searching for recipes and ideas that were delicious and safe.

After years of practice, trial and error, I perfected my own simple processes and recipes for pantry staples that I use over and over again.

I’ve taught these recipes and methods in local classes and have not put it all together for you in this quick-reference e-Guide.

An ereader with the cover of 'Tasty & Easy Tomato Preservation' ebook displayed sitting between fresh tomatoes and a towel with a knife on top.

Get This Done-For-You eGuide for only $5.97. Save hours of research and planning and get to the work of filling your freezer and pantry with delicious tomato preserves.

You’ll get basic instructions for freezing and dehydrating as well as simple recipes for canning crushed tomatoes, pizza sauce, salsa tips, and more.

This 12-page guide will have you stocking your pantry shelves in no time and skips all the fuss and chaos of having to search for recipes before getting started on your preservation efforts.

Buy it today for $5.97

A photo of Kathie Lapcevic standing next to a tree.

About the Author

Kathie N. Lapcevic is an experienced home canner and teacher of the preservation arts. She taught canning classes for over 10 years as part of Flathead Valley Community College’s continuing education program and has been canning in her kitchen for over 25 years.