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Making and Using Dandelion Oil

Dandelion oil is an incredibly easy and oh-so-handy homemade herbal remedy to have on hand.

Dandelions are everywhere and productive little buggers. Thankfully, dandelion uses are plentiful as the flowers themselves.

Learn how to make dandelion oil with this simple method to help achy joints feel better and to soothe skin.

A jar of full of dandelion flowers submerged in olive oil sitting in the grass surrounded by blooming dandelions with text overlay stating: how to make dandelion infused oil.

Harvesting Dandelions

Harvest dandelions, from unsprayed fields and lawns, in the full sun of the day when the dew has dried off.

They should be fully, gloriously open and dry.

Simply cut the flower heads from the stem of the plant.

Gather enough to fill a jar half full. A pint size jar is usually big enough but go bigger or smaller as desired just fill the container half full.

Infuse dandelion flowers in oil to help sore muscles and more.

Wash & Wilt the Dandelions

Dandelions are home to a number of insects. They get trampled and dirty. Give them a good wash.

Then let them wilt overnight by sitting on a towel.

Drying dandelions completely is a difficult process. Not impossible but not easy either. They tend to go to seed. So rather than dry completely, simply let them wilt overnight.

Making Dandelion Oil

In the morning, put the wilted dandelion into a jar. Then fill the jar to 1/4 inch of the top with olive oil (really any oil will work). Remove any air bubbles with a butter knife and make sure all the blossoms are submerged under the oil.

Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a sunny window for 2 weeks.  You can use a lid for the jar or simply cover the jar with a piece of cloth and a rubber band. This cloth can let some water evaporate and potentially prevent any mold formation.

Note: Dandelion can mold if left for much longer than 2 weeks in the oil.

At the end of the two weeks, strain the blossoms from the oil. Store the oil in a clean jar. The dandelion oil is now ready for use.

Strained dandelion oil in a clear bottle surrounded by containers of balms and beeswax.

All oil can go rancid, so please use this dandelion oil up within a year.

Dandelion Oil Uses

It makes a wonderful massage oil for stiff joints or tired muscles. It helps soothe dry skin too. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to scent the oil, if desired.

Use it as a base oil for homemade dandelion healing salve.

Add it to herbal bath bombs for a skin soothing soak.

Instead of plain oils, use the infused oil, as a skin soothing base for homemade body balm.

Dandelions are an amazing resource from nature, be sure to take advantage of a few to keep the body running well later.

Sharing is caring!


Wednesday 11th of September 2024

Can you dry them in a Dehydrator

Kathie Lapcevic

Saturday 21st of September 2024

They tend to go to seed but you can try...


Wednesday 16th of August 2023

I had put my jars inmy cabinet for a couple of days before sitting them in the window seal in the sun will that hurt

Kathie Lapcevic

Wednesday 23rd of August 2023

It should be fine. Just make sure no mold.


Friday 20th of May 2022

My jar got mold on the oil surface this still can be use? or the all jar content is bad?

Kathie Lapcevic

Monday 23rd of May 2022

I would not use if it's gone moldy.

Peta Nicklin

Sunday 23rd of May 2021

I have dandelions on my salad they taste great. Thanks for the tip with the oil I will try that next


Wednesday 19th of May 2021

Can you add ginger root?

Kathie Lapcevic

Thursday 20th of May 2021

I don't see why not. I haven't tried it but I could see the benefit of the mixture.