I have been thinking for a while now about balancing modern convenience with simple living. When does that convenience become a burden? When is it time to take a step back from the latest technology in favor of actually simplifying life?

So often those latest apps or gadgets or appliances are marketed as time savers and ways to simplify life so that we can do other things… but are they?
I’m starting to think a great many of them actually take away from rather than add to meaningful lives.
How do we balance simple and convenient living?
When the Washing Machine Needs Wi-Fi
Recently our washing machine quit working. Now, it was the machine that came with the house and we think it was about 21 years old. We were not exactly surprised that it gave up the ghost.
When we started shopping for a replacement (because repair simply wasn’t option in this case) we just wanted something simple. We don’t need or want a lot of bells and whistles. I was surprised to see that we could buy a washing machine that could be connected to our smartphones.
I mean, I knew of appliances that are connected to smartphones from advertising. Still, I can’t figure out why this is necessary or even desired. I mean, someone has to put the clothes in the washing machine and take them out so how much convenience is having an app for a washing machine?
I do not eschew modern technology or convenience. Obviously, I use a washing machine and a smartphone. Both have their place in my productive yet simple life. But I do have to constantly question and pay attention to how that technology and convenience plays out in my life.
How much modern convenience?
Obviously, this is a very personal decision but how much modern convenience do we really need?
I work a full-time job, have this blog and side business, run a home, have hobbies, enjoy spending time with my love and more. Washing clothes by hand isn’t something I’m going to do when I can have a washing machine do it for me.
However, it just needs to get the clothes clean, it does not need a wi-fi connection to get that done.

I just want to do my laundry. Sometimes I’m going to hang it on the line to dry and sometimes I’m going to use the electric clothes dryer. I don’t need the machines to tell my phone or my phone to tell social media.
Do any of us? Really?
When Convenience Becomes Burden
While some modern conveniences can indeed make our lives simpler – they do not always make life easier or more worthwhile.
It is so easy for us to become slaves to our possessions without even really noticing it.
A washing machine is easier and perhaps more simple than hand washing clothes. In busy lives that require long work weeks. It’s a blessing.
And there are plenty of other comparable examples, the washing machine is just my most current.
Anything that requires more time on the smartphone or computer is probably worth a second look. We spend so much time on our screens that it is often hard to disconnect.
It doesn’t seem worthwhile to find another reason to pick up that phone or scroll an app. If anything, I’m all in favor of taking breaks from those screens and social media in order to connect with the rest of life.

It is so easy for something that seems technologically advanced and cool to become yet another thing that disconnects us from loved ones or the natural world. Suddenly we can’t even put our phones down because the washing machine needs us.
That washing machine that does indeed make life a bit easier has suddenly become something else that needs monitoring and tinkering and weighs us down.
Question Everything
Advertising is so insidious as to make us think that we must have the newest technology, the latest updates, and that everything must be connected all the time. And goodness isn’t that crazy and stressful?
Advertising surrounds us (it’s on this blog, too, after all), but we have to consciously choose how we interact with it. We have to keep our heads and not buy into the hype.

We have to pay attention to the messages that media and well-meaning other humans try to pass on. This apply to traditional advertising (commercials, print ads, etc.) as well as all those gorgeous social media feeds and the well-meaning family member telling us about their latest purchases.
We have to constantly and vigilantly question the need and desire messages put forth from outside.
Is that technology necessary or it wanted? There is nothing inherently wrong with wants as long as those wants aren’t distracting from the important things in life. The thing we need to watch out for is mindless consumersim
Our Choices have Impact Beyond Ourselves
It’s also important to remember our wants are not in a vacuum. They have an impact on the planet and other human beings.

When we want the fancy bottled water (when our tap water is safe and more than fine), for example, that plastic bottle has an impact and we should weigh our decisions accordingly.
I’m not here to preach or judge. Nor am I here to say that we need to do it all perfectly, all the time (no one can and no one does). It’s just a healthy reminder, as much for myself as for anyone reading, that choices have an impact.
The Very Practical Financial Impact
It makes very little sense, to me, to spend hundreds of extra dollars on a washing machine just so it can connect to my smartphone. That applies to refrigerators, stoves, and truly any other appliance.
Instead of spending that money on something that feels unnecessary for the job at hand. Why not save that money for a rainy day? Other things will break, cars will need repaired, heck you might want to take a vacation or retire early. Save the money.
It’s more than just modern convenience, here of course, frugality is a whole topic in and of itself. But is one of those questions we need to ask ourselves. Is this purchase truly worthwhile? Can the basic (and sturdy) model serve me and my needs / wants just as well?
It’s also worth noting that more bells & whistles something has, the more that can go wrong and break. We’ve lost sight of repairing things because it gets too expensive. ‘Dumb’ appliances can often be repaired for less cost than buying a new one but it’s harder & harder to find because companies, of course, want us to buy and increase their profits.
Choosing Intentional Simplicity
So how do we balance wants, needs, voluntary simplicity, and modern convenience? We have to choose and focus on sustainable simple living. And that requires careful thought and reasoning that looks a bit like this:
Is having a washing machine a need or a want? A want (after all I could hand wash).
Does having a washing machine make my life easier and/or simpler? Yes it does because of work and other modern life duties / hobbies.
Can I live the with impacts it causes on my fellow human beings and the planet? Yes, especially by choosing a high efficiency model that will hopefully last a long time.
Can I get away with the most basic model or do I need high-tech? Basic washing machine that simply washes clothes well.
Can I afford it without debt? Yes based on basic models
The washing machine analogy could just as easily apply to any other purchase. Think of smart speakers, for example. It’s a want – no one *needs* a smart speaker to survive or even enjoy life. The answers are, of course, individual but deserve careful consideration.

It might feel like a long process but just taking the time to slow down and intentionally consider them will likely stop impulse purchases bought on by fake need felt from advertising. This ceasing of impulse purchases inherently means a focus on intentional choices and living which will lead to a more calm and simple life overall.
Tuesday 6th of August 2024
It is interesting to read this post on my phone Two adds in every 4 inches of screen. I'm assuming that isn't how you set things up. Still, the balance between interacting with interesting people and living in a cave is hard to find. I mostly choose in-person interactions, but also find that to be a very limited universe.
Thursday 29th of August 2019
As I read your post, I found myself saying "yes... yes... oh yeah..." :-) It can be so easy to buy something that you don't really need to have because of all the shiny bells and whistles. I think humans have the tendency to acquire built in. Which, isn't bad at its basic level. (Acquire food, safe and comfortable shelter, etc.) But we are bombarded with messages that we need tings that we simply do not. My husband bought an Apple Watch a couple of months ago to aid him in keeping better track of work messages after he accepted a new position. I kept eyeballing the watch thinking, how cool! Maybe I should get one. Then I thought about how I frequently lament needing to be "always on." I gave the watch no other thought. Not for me. I love the convenience of many things - washer/dryer, stove, fridge, etc. - but I don't need them to do anything other than intended: wash/dry, cook, preserve. It's that simple. :-) Love reading your blog posts! (Our radishes are coming up and I'm eager to make some of that radish bread you blogged about!)
Saturday 1st of July 2023
@Kathie Lapcevic,
Thanks for the great article.
Had a fitbit. Didn't like it. I didn't need to track calories, which had to be linked to a website (a distraction). Didn't need to track my pulse...if I am up and moving, I'm alive so pulse tracking wasn't necessary. Am healthy, so don't have blood pressure or other health issues that I need to monitor. After a couple of years I gave my fitbit to someone who used it for years went through several bands, and when the thing quit working, found a similar product. She loves it.
When I started having mobility problems due to sudden and severe arthritis, I knew I needed to get more physical activity in my life. For about $15, I bought a battery operated pedometer. I can clip it to a pocket or wear it on a lanyard. It is easy to read and clear each day and tells me in the form of step counts, how much I have moved - walking, workouts (aerobic, biking, etc). Not exact but I don't need that kind of breakdown. If the number is less than the day before consistently, I know I am slacking and need to re-evaluate what I am doing or not doing. I don't need a wrist computer in the form of dings, bells or alarms to tell me that in a tiny screen format that is difficult to read. And I don't need to wear a computer/phone on my wrist when I still need a smartphone or computer for other work. And I find earbuds or an earpiece are miserable to conduct calls regularly, and try to carry them in the right place when you want to answer or make a call.
If and when the time comes that I have to track something in more detail, I can and will evaluate the options available then.
Just saying...:)
Kathie Lapcevic
Thursday 29th of August 2019
I'm tempted at least weekly to buy a fitbit so I get the desire bells & whistles... Let me know how the radish bread turns out. Thanks so much for reading.
Earlene Waite
Sunday 25th of August 2019
Hi..sadly this is another sign we live in a fast pace world. I remember using a wringer washer and loved it, but hard to find a good one that runs. Not long ago I had to purchase a new washer and dryer and all they wanted to show me was the ones with bell and whistles .. and I said no I want something that is just simple after all I'm only washing clothes, and even the most simple has stuff I could do without but what do you do? Anyway it will do I guess. I was talking with a friend the other day and I started laughing when a thought hit me...think about this...should the internet and systems go down and all the things that control our world today went down, could you survive the fallout...no internet, no computers and gadgets, no gas as gas pumps won't work, no groceries as cash registered won't work and power doors won't work, trains can't move, planes can't fly, and the list can go on forever, but mainly could you as a family get by, how many of our young people have been taught what our grandparents learned to do the old fashion ways...can you imagine the bigger cities, it would be terrible ...right now if just power goes down you have luting and stealing … think about what could be years if the technical systems go down....scarry thought, I told my girlfriend its sad that parents didn't make sure a lot of the children weren't made to learn some of these skills as they grew up. We belong to a homemakers group in our community and we do a few of these things among ourselves but what an out reach it could be if more ladies started little homemakers clubs and tried to reach out to younger ladies, starting families that could meet once a month and pick something to teach these young women, ie...canning, sewing, crocheting , knitting, cooking, etc...the list can go on. I'm hoping our little group will be doing more of this in the future... this is just food for thought but sometimes I just have to open my mouth maybe when I should keep it shut, sigh...anyway you have a great day and may everyone be blessed with lifes simple pleasures...
Wednesday 21st of August 2019
It's so funny that I read this post today. I just posted on another blog about how I refuse to buy 'smart' appliances, internet connected vehicles, etc. I'll take second hand any day. Yes, I have a smartphone and a laptop. But even those 'suck up' too much of my time. I 'consciouly uncoupled' from fb a while ago. I still check in once in a while, but it was taking up way too much of my time. Even keeping up with the blogs I like, such as this one, sometimes get in my way. It definitely is a balancing act. And I weigh more on the side of simplicity.
Wednesday 21st of August 2019
So very true. I have disconnected from FB. Disconnected from many things for those very reasons. Thank you fir a thoughtful post. Sonia