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5 Uses for Anise Hyssop

Anise hyssop is a perennial herb (in zones 4-9) from the mint family and a favorite plant of bees and gardeners alike.  It can grow tall and woody with flowers commonly blooming in lavender but there are also white, pink, and blue varieties. Prolific in the garden and extremely useful in the home for food and medicine, Anise Hyssop is worth growing and keeping on hand, here are 5 Uses for Anise Hyssop to get you started:

anise hyssop flowering.

1. Simply Eat

The flowers are edible with a lighter anise flavor than the leaves and make for a tasty and beautiful garnish or addition to a salad.  Truly beautiful for tea parties.

It adds a delicious licorice flavor to many sweet foods and drinks too. Think: hot chocolatecookies, and candy.

2. Tea (Fresh or Dried)

The leaves and flowers make a delicious black licorice flavored tea that also has some medicinal benefits.  In The Green Witch Herbal, the author states that hyssop helps expel mucus making it ideal for treating colds.  Susun Weed, too, suggests that it is good for relieving congestion.

To dry, simply hang the stems in a dark place until crispy and then store in airtight containers.

3. Cordial

Hyssop is a traditional ingredient in absinthe and makes for a tasty homemade infusion.

Fill a jar half full with fresh leaves and fill the jar completely with vodka, cover and let sit for a month. Stain the leaves and sweeten the vodka with a sugar syrup to taste and you have a wonderful anise flavored dessert cordial.

4.Relaxing & Healing Bath Infusion

Put fresh or dried leaves in a square of cheesecloth and hang from the tub faucet, letting the water flow over the herbs.  The scent from the hyssop will help calm frazzled nerves. Traditionally it was also used for pain relief, so soak those sore muscles in an anise hyssop bath.

Flowering anise hyssop.

5. Dream Pillows

Anise hyssop is supposed to stop nightmares so add some to dream pillows to encourage sweet dreams.

What’s your favorite way to use anise hyssop?

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Tuesday 15th of September 2020

How to use hyssop as a fish bait?

Patricia Wall

Saturday 23rd of May 2020

Patricia My late husband used it to make fish bait. They love it. Worked every time. 😃🤗🐟

Chantell Bertollini

Thursday 15th of July 2021

@Patricia Wall, really?! I'd love to hear more about this!


Monday 9th of September 2019

It tastes great on homemade pizza (use sparingly).


Sunday 28th of April 2019

How do you use anise hyssop for the herpes virus?


Friday 31st of March 2023

@Mary, I drink it as tea every day with a mix of other mints (lemon balm, peppermint, spearmint) and rose petals with nettle and dandelion leaves. This helps keep my viral issues (including herpes) at bay. Sometimes I throw in some oregano and/or thyme for an added benefit. I go back and forth with those cuz they’re so strong tasting. Medicine doesn’t always have to taste bad!

Kathie Lapcevic

Sunday 28th of April 2019

For cold sores? I use lemon balm not anise hyssop because there's been so many studies about it and it's effectiveness on cold sores.

Sally Burrell

Tuesday 3rd of July 2018

I'm using anise hyssop as a main ingredient in salads since I have so much in my yard and I love it. Pesto is delicious also. I prefer the taste when I chop the ingredients by hand: garlic , nuts of choice (walnuts, Brazil nuts....), fresh anise hyssop leaves, Romano Pecorino, olive oil. I often add tangy wood sorrel or lemon sorrel to balance the sweetness of anise hyssop.