Italian sodas are a great summer sweet treat. They are however traditionally very sweet – simply carbonated sugar water. Even when made with homemade simple syrups, they are still sugar water. We can make our sweet drinks healthier, even healing by making herbal tea Italian sodas.
Easy & Delicious
Herbal Italian sodas are nothing more than herbal tea, honey, and sparkling water (or club soda). You control the level of sweet and of course, keep it naturally flavored. It takes 15 minutes total to make a fresh batch. Make extra herbal tea ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator for parties or even faster preparation.
Make It Healing
Give the soda a healing kick by using an herbal tea to remedy particular ailments. Struggling with an upset stomach, use mint tea. Need to relax before bed, try lemon balm or lavender tea. Menstrual cramps causing distress, brew some raspberry leaf tea. Feel a cold coming on, try rose hip tea for a Vitamin C boost. There’s no end to the possibilities here. Sparkling water can often be healing and soothing for many stomach issues as well, meaning these drinks can serve double duty.
Infused Honey when Possible
Plain honey works perfectly in this recipe. However, if some infused honey is on hand use it to increase the herbal flavor profile even more. Be sure to add the honey when the tea is still hot, otherwise, it will never dissolve.
Permission to Be Creative
Use any herbal tea or blend most favored. Some dried apples with rose hips would be delightful. Combine herbal tea and mint infused honey if desired. Raspberry leaf tea with mint infused honey is very tasty. In short, make whatever tea you fancy normally and run with it.
Lightly Carbonated
I’m not a fan of fizzy drinks normally speaking. Sparkling water tends to be light on the bubbles unlike commercial sodas or even some kombucha so for folks wanting a little something less fizzy go with the sparkling water.
As the summer days get warmer find sweet and nourishing refreshment with your own homemade herbal tea Italian Soda.
Herbal Tea Italian Sodas

Herbal tea Italian sodas com are are lightly sweet, thirst quenching, and even healing beverage that is easy to make at home.
- 2 Tablespoons Fresh Herbs (2 teaspoons dried)
- 1-2 Tablespoons Honey (more or less to taste)
- 1 Cup Boiling Water
- 32 Ounces Sparkling Water or Club Soda
- Ice
- Pour the boiling water over the herbs and honey. Let steep 10 minutes.
- Strain. Let cool slightly.
- Fill 4 glass with ice.
- Put 1/4 cup of sweetened tea in each glass.
- Fill glass with up to 8 ounces of sparkling water.
Linda Hines
Saturday 29th of February 2020
Hi kathi, I love your style of writing. I have your Herbs for health and Healing book (poor thing). 🥰 it’s my favorite herb go to book I’ve had for years so I have it all marked up and stickered up. When I pick it up I can’t stop reading it. Keep up the good writing. Now that I’ve found your site I’ll sign up, maybe I can give my poor book a rest. I just turned 91 so I need you often. Linda
Monday 31st of July 2017
I have a Soda Stream soda maker. I make herbal tea with honey sodas all the time. I make 1 liter at a time and put in the fridge for the whole family to enjoy. Our favorite is a combination of Green Tea and Mint Tea. I've even done it with Sleepy Time tea for the kiddos to drink at night.