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Staying Motivated in a Simple Life

Fight the chaos, distraction, and temptation of modern life by learning how to stay motivated and committed to your simple living goals and ideas.

The life is a rewarding life but it is also one that is deeply intentional and requires some thought and effort. All that effort and intention can easily be difficult to maintain in all that is required just to stay afloat in a modern life.

While life is always going to be life, there are some things you can do to stay motivated towards a slow life even when it seems like the world is conspiring against you and voluntary simplicity.

A skyline with a setting sun over a lake is shown with a text overlay reads: How to Stay Motivated - Simple Life - Easy ways to sustain a slow lifestyle without burning out.

Establish Priorities

What are the things that are most important? I’m willing to bet they’re not things but people. What are the priorities and reasons for choosing a simple life? Spend more time with spouse and children? Treat the earth and people kindly? Embrace a slower, more seasonal pace to life rather than exist and rush through each day? These are individual and important. Take some time to truly find and establish those priorities.

Also, know that these priorities are not written in stone – they are the priorities at this moment in time and can and should change as the years go by. Re-examine them often. It is okay, even wonderful, to let some priorities go to the side as life changes and grows. Celebrate and embrace the growth rather than holding onto things that no longer have meaning.

Create a Plan for the Priorities

Some of us like structure and some of us are free spirits. The thing is very few things actually get accomplished without a plan. This doesn’t have to be spreadsheets and project management software. A simple list of goals and priorities, a calendar with important dates noted, and goals established.

A stack of journals with pens sitting on top sit on a countertop.

A to-do list is an amazing thing.  This lets us see what needs doing and perhaps, more importantly, it gives us a rush when we get to cross things off as accomplished.  It also helps understand us how much we’re trying to do and just maybe we’re trying to cram 36-hours worth of work into an 18-waking hour day. No human being can do that.

Make the Hard Choices

You can’t do it all. I can’t do it all. No one can do it all. This means hard choices have to be made and that we have to say no more than we can say yes. It means that sometimes compromises need to be made.

The thing is when priorities are clear, the choices that seem hard get easier. When spending time with a partner is a priority saying no to something that makes that harder to do is easier. Obviously something have to be done and there is a balance that must be worked towards.

Pressed flowers and leaves sit on a piece of brown paper on top of a closed book.

To make the hard choices, hold every decision up to the priority list. If saying yes brings you closer to a priority or is part of making a priority happen, do it. If saying yes, takes you further away from family or friends or any priority then it has to be no. It may be hard but saying no to the nonessentials brings so much freedom to a simple life.

Limit Consumption

This is two-fold: limit consumption of stuff and media (this means social media, television, etc.).

Let’s talk about stuff first. We all need things now and then. We all want things now and then, too. Limiting consumption of physical keeps the budget in line with living the simple life and it keeps physical spaces free of clutter. Clutter has a way of stealing motivation because it has to be dealt with in some way which wastes time re-organizing stuff rather than focusing on priorities.

Now, let’s address media consumption. In these modern times, we are constantly turned on and tuned in. Stop it. Set limits,even take a break from social media. It can be so easy to lose an entire day or several hours by sitting down to scroll through Facebook or Instagram. Hours can be lost clicking from one article to the next in which nothing is actually accomplished and everything gets behind. The same can be said of watching TV or playing video games. There’s nothing wrong with doing these things on occasion just keep a limit on it so that it doesn’t suck time away.

Embrace an authentic and intentional life even when it's anything but easy with these tips for staying motivated in a simple life.

One final word about limiting consumption. The barrage of markeing messages found in stores and in media are designed to make people feel inadequate and force us into comparison thinking. Nothing steals motivation faster than feeling like you can’t measure up or that you’re doing it wrong. Limit those thoughts and exposures by not visiting sites that leave you feeling that way, hide or unfollow people on social media that don’t provide joy, instead seek sources that uplift and inspire.

Decide on Enough

What is enough? What is truly needed to feel satisfied? These are personal questions and obviously vary widely. Decide on what is enough for you and your family and stick with it. Don’t let media or well-meaning friends or family sway you. How many possesions is enough? How much time on the computer is enough? How many hours outside of the home is enough?

Perhaps, new clothes aren’t needed every season if last season’s clothes still fit. Repair instead of buy new things. Buy second-hand before something new. As the saying goes, learn to make do or do without whenever possible. There are no right or wrongs here, just examine things and figure out what is enough for you and your family.

Talk about It

Simply voicing priorities gives them prominence.  Once spoken out loud they take on new importance.  Talk about those priorities and dreams with friends and family, tweet about it, post it to Facebook, share them in the comments. There is something about sharing ideas and thoughts that holds us accountable to them and helps us make them come true.

Embrace an authentic and intentional life even when it's anything but easy with these tips for staying motivated in a simple life.

Be sure to find safe places to share ideas. This does not mean everyone is going to agree with every idea. It is good to have folks who challenge us and help us see all sides of every idea. However, be sure to surround yourself with folks who are generally positive and supportive.

Get Busy

In the end, the thing that biggest key to staying motivated is to simply keep going after it. Whether in small steps or big ones, simply get busy.  Take a step, each and every day that isn’t a rest day (and rest days are important).  Do something, anything that makes those priorities take center stage.  You’ll feel better for it, because working towards a goal rarely leads to regret.  Can you say that about not working towards a goal or slipping into habits that don’t align with simple living goals?

Sharing is caring!


Wednesday 11th of January 2017

Your Money or Your Life was a big game changer for me too. I started rereading it in the fall and need to get back into it again. I agree with your thoughts that you can change your priorities and how you focus on them. Happy New Year!