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Frugal Late Winter Recipes

Get creative with seasonal foods and your food storage with these delicious winter meals on a budget.

A collage of 3 photos of sauerkraut, applesauce cake, and soup with text overlay.

Late winter has a reputation of being a lean food time. Certainly in history it could very well be, but in our modern times and with some wise pantry planning it can be a season of abundance.

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Seasonal Foods

Eating foods that are in season are always the most frugal choices. Winter can be tough for fresh food in the snow covered regions. However, there are still winter seasonal foods that can be found for a deal.

Citrus, storage crops like winter squashes and root vegetables, etc. can all likely be found in the local grocery store for cheaper than out-of-season foods like tomatoes or asparagus. Eat those first.

A variety of citrus fruit and their peels on a table with zesters.

For folks in warmer climates, fresh greens and more are likely available. Choose locally available whenever possible for budget friendliness.

Don’t forget about sprouting or growing microgreens at home for fresh vegetables and salads even in a blizzard.

Hit the Pantry

This is the season to eat up all those jars you put up in the summer and fall. Use your home canned or dehydrated items in favorite and new ways for winter recipes that are nourishing and budget friendly.

Start here when planning the weekly meals. This is the most frugal option as the work and expense is already done.

Jars of home canned items on wooden shelves.

It’s also a great way to make sure that these items are used up and the jars available when the next harvest season comes around.

Also check the freezer and use up those meats or fruits and veg there before buying anything new. This keeps your food rotating and prevents waste to freezer burn and other issues.

Food Storage Items

This is a great place to learn new recipes and techniques for all those dried beans, pastas, rice, and grains that store well and are kept in the pantry.

A handful of dried beans.

These are also generally frugal choices when purchased even in winter at the grocery store.

Make the beans and rice. Eat the big pots of soup. Bowls of store bought pasta tossed with homemade frozen is a comforting meal.

Late Winter Recipes

Fill your meal plan with these recipes full of winter seasonal foods and items from the pantry for frugal and nourishing dishes everyone will love.

Soups & Stews

Hearty and warm foods are often needed in these days as we transition from winter towards spring. Soups and stews are a great way to use up odds and ends in food storage.

Side Dishes

Bulk up meals with side dishes featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables as well as those preserved goods from the pantry and freezer.

Main Dishes

Winter can be seen as a lean time but if the pantry is full and seasonal foods are available we can eat like royalty.


For those days when dessert is a good idea, keep it in harmony with the earth by featuring seasonal ingredients and items from the pantry.

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Thursday 6th of February 2020

Good selection. Can't wait to try the cheesy pesto bread and the cooked apple sauerkraut dish. Thanks for sharing!!